Saturday, December 25, 2010

IM BACK BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!

and in full-swing let me tell you.

Why haven't I written? Well mostly because i thought that nobody gave a shit enough to notice whether I was writing or not, and it truely lifted my spirits when I noticed that somebody noticed that I was gone.


hahaha no- I am not any skinnier. But, thanks for asking anyways.

CHRISTMAS IS OVER!!!!!!!!! As much as I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE J'ADORE christmas, it is the time of tubby tummies and it is over. Tomorrow I am starting a fast. I don't know how long this fast will last, and to me it doesnt really matter. All that matters is that I DO fast (with the exception of tea and water) for as long as I possibly can.

to all my darlings: I am sorry that I have abandoned you!!! for ten days. So here is a little recap of my life:
- car broke- therefore stranded in my home
- daydreamed
- wallowed in my own pathetic misery
- ate
- had christmas

That was pretty much how my life went since I've been gone.

Oh yeah and I bought some adderall of a girl at my school and ABSOLUTELY aced like three tests. I'm trying to get a 4.5 GPA this semester!!!!!!!!! That is, if I don't decide that I randomly don't care and stop trying (*cough* never happened before)

I haven't weighed myself in about 6 days. It has been EATING ME ALIVE not knowing. But I'm also scared that what I find will be absolutely awful so I'm not weighing myself until after I fast for at least one day. That way, I will know that something is being done about it and I will be calmer.

LOLA!!!!!! I feel so bad that I was your homepage and I never wrote anything! I'm sorry m'dear. I still love you I promise.

I am going to begin my inspiration by reading Wasted because its my favorite book and always puts me in a good fasting mood.

I am on break right now from school and I go back on the 3rd of january. For some reason, I just want to look noticebly thinner when I get back.
Also, winter formal is coming up, and I NEED to look good in a dress. I haven't purchased a dress yet, because i am such a COW that it's not like I would fit into one anyways...or at least feel good about it.

Oh! and guess what? It's almost the new year.

I would like to recognize that the cliche of "I'm going to lose weight in the new year" makes me want to kill people, but- I'm going to lose weight in the new year. so....yeah. deal with it.

I PROMISE I will be on more often :))))))))))))

<3 <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. Yayyyyyy! I was worried lovely, you don't have to apologise for not writing!!!

    I hope the fast goes well for you, but if the festivities catch up with you and hit you then we only have to make it a few more days and it is new year when everyone is trying to diet anyway so our behaviour becomes marginally more acceptable to the general public.!!!

    I am super dooper scared to weigh myself too. ARGHHHHH. Right, I have to go over the road and see when I am starting work, but I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU and thank you for letting me know you are okay xxx
