Tuesday, September 14, 2010


so. tired. I don't remember going to sleep...but I just woke up and suddenly its dark outside. I missed soccer practice. Great, now I got no exercise and I will be fat forever and ever and ever and ever.

But then my mother asked me to please go get the cat from outside. I went outside to get him from the neighbors yard where he ran off and barely after I had walked ten steps did I realize that I might not make it all the way across the street. I thought I would fall there, in the middle of my neighborhood and not be able to get up.

I made it, but barely. Now I am back in my bed and dont plan on leaving for a wihle.

Honestly, I just raised my head up to respond to a text message, but then got two dizzy so I just put it back down on a pillow.

I am typing with my eeyes completely out of focus and sometimes just closed altogether.

I need water but its all the way in the kitchen. damn.


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