Thursday, December 30, 2010


apparently green tea is supposed to be good for you. too bad it tastes like fuck.

I was thinking earlier today how pathetic my blog is, in so many ways. However, this particular rant refers to a particular aspect of the pathetic nature of my blog. My writing. I have always loved english, and it has always been my favorite subject. However, I noticed that when I write on this blog, I tend to just allow my word-vomit to pour on the page, swearing like a sailor, and sounding essentially uneducated. I would like to apologize to you for this. But I also want to tell you to suck it because nothing is going to change hahaha.

I have such a headache right now. I always have headaches. I don't like headaches. bleh.

I am spending New Years with J and i am glad because there is honestly no place I would rather begin my year than with my best friend in the world. He is the best. I just want you all to know that.

Today a friend of mine told me that I'm addicted to him. And I know that she's right. But you can never have enough of a good thing, right?

OH. okay- someone tell me if this happens to them- I ALWAYS think we are having an earthquake. I live in an area where there are earthquakes, but I honestly think I feel them every day. I think I might just be swaying when I stand haha. But its really wierd.

I am kind of just letting my thoughts splat onto this post and its getting boring so I'm going to get on with my life. I should be reading Anna Karinena because I promised myself I would reread it over break, but somehow I always end up reading Wasted instead. hehe. guilty pleasure.


1 comment:

  1. aha this made me laugh. Green tea does taste like fuck :L
