Screw this. I've been eating again today. Less, but still too much.
I hid my dinner in a plastic bag and I hid the plastic bag in my drawer and it smells like shit. Gotta wait for a safe time to throw it away.
Plan that will save my sanity:
Wake up
Drink liter of water
go to school
drink another liter at school
come home
drink liter
do homework
push dinner around plate
I think its a solid plan. I really, really do.
I want to cuddle with someone. I love snuggling. I like feeling like someone is going to take care of me. Like its all going to be okay because I'm not alone anymore.
But I am alone. I'm always alone.
I used to do that when I lived at home. Tip: spray it with deodrant a LOT in the bag. It helps.